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Abrasive Wheels

Abrasive Wheels (Handheld / Portable) Training Course

This course is suitable for all operators, managers and supervisors whose responsibility it is to select, mount, specify or use handheld and portable devices with abrasive wheels, therefore giving the knowledge and confidence to competently cut and grind safely.

Covering hand held petrol cut saws (Stihl saws) and angle grinders, the course includes an overview of PUWER 1998 reg 12 & HSG17, wheel selection, machine use, associated hazards, PPE & RPE, inspection and maintenance regimes.

Classroom based courses can be either theoretical or developed to include a practical element i.e. using cutting and grinding equipment in live situations.

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Your friendly Abrasive Wheels training provider

Now u Know are a training provider offering high quality, bespoke & cost effective Abrasive Wheels training services; based in Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire we can facilitate your training, anywhere in the UK.

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Choose a training provider with a different ethos and a fantastic feature rich system.

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Online Certificate Viewer

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Dedicated Account Manager

Set your Own Training Date & Venue

Don't want to choose online, or open course? No problem, we can arrange your own date and location for Abrasive Wheels, just request a quotation.

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Abrasive Wheels (Handheld / Portable) Training Course

Online Course
Price Per Person: £ 30 +VAT
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Now U Know Training

Registered in England number: 94744227
ICO number: ZA132471
VAT: 214 238 340
Copyright © 2015 Now U Know Training Ltd

01782 480480

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Hooters Hall Road
Newcastle under Lyme